Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Puppy Treats

So, I spend a lot of time bribing my baby to do what she needs to. As puppies, that's the best way to handle them. I feed her a handful of kibble when a child wants to pet her at the Farmer's Market, I give her a Kong stuffed with things to stop the incessant chewing, the list is endless.

I have found several treats that she enjoys and wanted to document them here in case I get too in the habit of certain things later and need to re-diversify.
- frozen peanut butter and bacon smeared on any chew toy
- frozen neufchatel cheese with tuna, bacon, hamburger, etc on any chew toy
- blueberries (frozen, fresh)
- apples
- carrots
- frozen cubes of low sodium chicken or beef broth mixed 1:1 with water... sometimes finely shredded cheese or tuna water in these as well
- hot dogs (of course!)
- kibble soaked in the middle of a kong with water and frozen into a yummy mush

Here is a list of things I want to try in the future:
- baked peanut butter treats (peanut butter, egg, maybe bacon?)
- puppy frozen yogurt (peanut butter, banana, plain yogurt)
- trail mix (leftover fruit, veggies, and meat pieces dehydrated)
- apple crunch pupcakes (

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