Thursday, June 5, 2014

We Talk Dog

Today, Elsa went to her temperament assesment at We Talk Dog here in Birmingham.  I had heard of them when I participated in the Mutt Strut 5k our local therapy dog group puts on every year (PS- the pic they have up currently is my boyfriend and a few of our former students at the start of the race last year!! Nick has the eyeblack on.).  I didn't know who they were, but they gave us really cool bumper stickers!!

This year, after much doggie daycare research, I decided I like the sounds of We Talk Dog better than any other daycare in the area for my pup.  They are constantly not in kennels, there are temperament tests to gague if the dog can come/which group the dog should be in, and the people seem really committed to their mission.
I sleep most days and I want Elsa to have a chance to get some socialization and exercise even though I'm crashed out.  She deserves all the different experiences I can give her.

The day starts at 6 am as I finally give up on sleeping any more and take Elsa out to introduce her to my bike.  Unfortunately, the tires aren't very full, so we walk instead.  I actually think this might be a better option anyway, since the daycare will be a new experience and I just need her worn out, not frazzled.  We walk/jog to the park, sit for a few minutes, then head back to the apartment.  We got in the car, I grabbed coffee, and off to the test!

We walk into the center right off of Montclair RD at 8 am.  Daycare itself starts at 7am, but they start temperament training at 8.  7 am is an awesome time for me too.  I am off at 6 am, so that gives me time to wash up, walk and feed Elsa, and get there in plenty of time for Elsa to be in pretty early.  The lady at the front desk is really fantastic.  Of course, I'm a nervous wreck, but at least I remember the paperwork!!!  They took Elsa in and told me they would call when she was done.

Thirty minutes later they call back to say she passed with flying colors!!!  I went ahead and let her stay til about 11.  I picked her up and we headed back home.  She slept the rest of the day with me. =)

I have her scheduled to go back Monday. =)

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